Wednesday, April 13, 2011

intro to CSS

selectors and declarations

back to MS Access
field properties

to ask questions about the data, we use Queries

SQL - a standard query language you can use to talk to databases

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE FirstName = "Peter"

query wizard:
what table?
what fields?
what shall we name this query?

then, we will need to fine-tune it in Design View.

SELECT Customers.Title, Customers.FirstName, Customers.LastName, Customers.PhoneNumber, Customers.FullAddress, Customers.SSN, Customers.CreditCardNumber, Customers.DOB
FROM Customers;

we added the where clause using the design view, in the Criteria row.

SELECT Customers.Title, Customers.FirstName, Customers.LastName, Customers.PhoneNumber, Customers.FullAddress, Customers.SSN, Customers.CreditCardNumber, Customers.DOB
FROM Customers
WHERE (((Customers.FirstName)="Peter"));

Access databases will typically have Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports

wildcards: * ?
* means match any number of characters, including zero character



joshua -- only this one won't match

Monday, April 11, 2011

first, create a database
don't need to save data
do need to save meta-data
no undo

Microsoft Access is a relational database

A database: data and ways of maintaining that data

Database: a collection of tables
Table: a collection of records
Record: a collection of fields
Field: one unit of data. e.g. the SSN field of a given record

Table design = meta-data of the table. the table structure

* when designing tables, find the smallest unit
* data type = the type of data. number, text, date, etc.
* MUCH better to store values that don't need constant updating. Date of birth instead of age
* calculate things rather than storing duplicate information wherever possible
. Quality Points and GPA but not Credits. save space, less likely to have inconsistent data.

possibility of duplicate records

primary key: unique identifier for a record

Monday, April 4, 2011

ipmt, ppmt

find out: is lab instructor doing pivottables?

how to extend Excel's function

Visual Basic for Applications: a programming language

record a macro.

when we make a macro, we cannot save the file as .xlsx
instead, it is a .xlsm

Sub is for subroutine
function calculates a value and sends it back

UDF = user defined function
HW: make a macro, any macro
HW: make a UDF, any UDF
for example:
Function WaxmanCoefficient(X, Y)
WaxmanCoefficient = (X + 2) ^ Y
End Function

Making web pages

plus, there will be some more

cascading style sheets

took a lot of the formatting and the "deprecated" it
font tag: allows font color, typeface, etc.
css instead